Isaac Sim 利用深度学习获取mask掩码图
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Tutorial for DNN Image Segmentation with Isaac Sim — isaac_ros_docs documentation设置开发环境等
isaac_ros_unet — isaac_ros_docs documentation Environment Setup — isaac_ros_docs documentation安装NVIDIA容器工具包
Installing the NVIDIA Container Toolkit — NVIDIA Container Toolkit 1.15.0 documentation
Ubuntu20.04 ISAAC SIM仿真下载使用流程_ubuntu启动isaac sim后一直有rtx loading界面-CSDN博客文章浏览阅读1.4k次,点赞38次,收藏30次。Ubuntu20.04 ISAAC SIM仿真下载使用流程机器:华硕天选X2024显卡:4060Tiubuntu20.04安装显卡驱动版本:525.85.05_ubuntu启动isaac sim后一直有rtx loading界面说实在的我不知道为什么nvidia不同文档写的下载的内容不一样,哪个是必要,哪个是不必要也不清晰,没办法我先把以前做过的东西放在这儿,我再去跟着官网走一遍捋一捋
我因为想拿到图像分割的掩码,于是跟着官网走Tutorial for DNN Image Segmentation with Isaac Sim — isaac_ros_docs documentation
提示要先完成isaac_ros_unet — isaac_ros_docs documentation 中1~9的内容,于是我又去这个网站
这里又要我根据 Developer Environment Setup — isaac_ros_docs documentation 说明来设置开发环境,好吧继续
On x86_64 platforms:
Install the nvidia-container-toolkit using the instructions.
Configure nvidia-container-toolkit for Docker using the instructions.
On Jetson platforms: Follow this instruction to first set your Jetson up with SSD, then come back to this document and resume from Step 2.
Restart Docker:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart docker
Install Git LFS to pull down all large files:
sudo apt-get install git-lfs
git lfs install --skip-repo
Create a ROS 2 workspace for experimenting with Isaac ROS:
For Jetson setup with SSD as optional storage:
mkdir -p /ssd/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src echo "export ISAAC_ROS_WS=/ssd/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
mkdir -p ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src echo "export ISAAC_ROS_WS=${HOME}/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
We expect to use the ISAAC_ROS_WS environmental variable to refer to this ROS 2 workspace directory, in the future.
To further customize your development environment, check out this guide.
Clone isaac_ros_common and this repository under ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src.
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src
git clone
git clone
Pull down a ROS Bag of sample data:
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_image_segmentation && \ git lfs pull -X "" -I "resources/rosbags/"
Launch the Docker container using the script:
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/
Install this package’s dependencies.
sudo apt-get install -y ros-humble-isaac-ros-unet ros-humble-isaac-ros-triton ros-humble-isaac-ros-dnn-image-encoder
Download the PeopleSemSegNet ShuffleSeg ETLT file and the int8 inference mode cache file:
mkdir -p /tmp/models/peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg/1 && \ cd /tmp/models/peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg && \ wget && \ wget
Convert the ETLT file to a TensorRT plan file:
/opt/nvidia/tao/tao-converter -k tlt_encode -d 3,544,960 -p input_2:0,1x3x544x960,1x3x544x960,1x3x544x960 -t int8 -c peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg_cache.txt -e /tmp/models/peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg/1/model.plan -o argmax_1 peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg_etlt.etlt
Create a file called /tmp/models/peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg/config.pbtxt by copying the sample Triton config file:
cp /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src/isaac_ros_image_segmentation/resources/peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg_config.pbtxt /tmp/models/peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg/config.pbtxt
Run the following launch files to spin up a demo of this package:
ros2 launch isaac_ros_unet model_name:=peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg model_repository_paths:=['/tmp/models'] input_binding_names:=['input_2:0'] output_binding_names:=['argmax_1'] network_output_type:='argmax' input_image_width:=1200 input_image_height:=632
Then open another terminal, and enter the Docker container again:
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/
Then, play the ROS bag:
ros2 bag play -l src/isaac_ros_image_segmentation/resources/rosbags/unet_sample_data/
Visualize and validate the output of the package by launching rqt_image_view in another terminal: In a third terminal, enter the Docker container again:
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/
Then launch rqt_image_view:
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
Then inside the rqt_image_view GUI, change the topic to /unet/colored_segmentation_mask to view a colorized segmentation mask.