- 使用MySQL IF语句完成条件检索
SELECT a.*, count(*) AS stdSum FROM idb_std_power_engin_v1 a WHERE 1 = 1 AND ( IF ( 'KV' IS NOT NULL, a.NAME REGEXP 'KV', 1 = 1 ) OR IF ( 'KV' IS NOT NULL, a.description REGEXP 'KV', 1 = 1 ) ) AND IF ( 138 IS NOT NULL, a.country = 138, 1 = 1 ) GROUP BY NAME LIMIT 0, 10
REGEXP 正则表达式,用于模糊匹配多个数据
/** * @description: 中英互换 正则表达查询 * @author csb * @date: 2022/12/29 11:24 */ public static String suggestTermNameByRegular(String keyword,List
termName) { StringBuffer keywords = new StringBuffer(); keywords.append(keyword+"|"); if(null != termName && termName.size() > 0){ termName.stream().forEach(a -> { keywords.append(a+'|'); }); } //去除最后的 | keywords.deleteCharAt(keywords.length() - 1); return String.valueOf(keywords); } /** * @description: 关键字高亮 * @author csb * @date: 2022/12/23 10:48 */ public static String IgnoreCaseReplace(String source, String patternstring) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(patternstring, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher mc = p.matcher(source); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (mc.find()) { mc.appendReplacement(sb, "" + mc.group() + ""); } mc.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); }
转载请注明来自码农世界,本文标题:《mysql IF语句,模糊检索》