@/p/sx/UnrealEngine/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Math/Quat.h FORCEINLINE TQuat::TQuat(const TRotator & R) *this = R.Quaternion(); @/p/sx/UnrealEngine/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Math/Rotator.h @/p/sx/UnrealEngine/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Math/UnrealMath.cpp FQuat4d FRotator3d::Quaternion() const DiagnosticCheckNaN(); #if PLATFORM_ENABLE_VECTORINTRINSICS const VectorRegister4Double Angles = MakeVectorRegisterDouble(Pitch, Yaw, Roll, 0.0); const VectorRegister4Double AnglesNoWinding = VectorMod360(Angles); const VectorRegister4Double HalfAngles = VectorMultiply(AnglesNoWinding, GlobalVectorConstants::DOUBLE_DEG_TO_RAD_HALF); VectorRegister4Double SinAngles, CosAngles; VectorSinCos(&SinAngles, &CosAngles, &HalfAngles); // Vectorized conversion, measured 20% faster than using scalar version after VectorSinCos. // Indices within VectorRegister (for shuffles): P=0, Y=1, R=2 const VectorRegister4Double SR = VectorReplicate(SinAngles, 2); const VectorRegister4Double CR = VectorReplicate(CosAngles, 2); const VectorRegister4Double SY_SY_CY_CY_Temp = VectorShuffle(SinAngles, CosAngles, 1, 1, 1, 1); const VectorRegister4Double SP_SP_CP_CP = VectorShuffle(SinAngles, CosAngles, 0, 0, 0, 0); const VectorRegister4Double SY_CY_SY_CY = VectorShuffle(SY_SY_CY_CY_Temp, SY_SY_CY_CY_Temp, 0, 2, 0, 2); const VectorRegister4Double CP_CP_SP_SP = VectorShuffle(CosAngles, SinAngles, 0, 0, 0, 0); const VectorRegister4Double CY_SY_CY_SY = VectorShuffle(SY_SY_CY_CY_Temp, SY_SY_CY_CY_Temp, 2, 0, 2, 0); const uint64 Neg = uint64(1) << 63; const uint64 Pos = uint64(0); const VectorRegister4Double SignBitsLeft = MakeVectorRegisterDoubleMask(Pos, Neg, Pos, Pos); const VectorRegister4Double SignBitsRight = MakeVectorRegisterDoubleMask(Neg, Neg, Neg, Pos); const VectorRegister4Double LeftTerm = VectorBitwiseXor(SignBitsLeft, VectorMultiply(CR, VectorMultiply(SP_SP_CP_CP, SY_CY_SY_CY))); const VectorRegister4Double RightTerm = VectorBitwiseXor(SignBitsRight, VectorMultiply(SR, VectorMultiply(CP_CP_SP_SP, CY_SY_CY_SY))); const VectorRegister4Double Result = VectorAdd(LeftTerm, RightTerm); FQuat4d RotationQuat = FQuat4d::MakeFromVectorRegister(Result); #else const double DEG_TO_RAD = UE_DOUBLE_PI / (180.0); const double RADS_DIVIDED_BY_2 = DEG_TO_RAD / 2.0; double SP, SY, SR; double CP, CY, CR; const double PitchNoWinding = FMath::Fmod(Pitch, 360.0); const double YawNoWinding = FMath::Fmod(Yaw, 360.0); const double RollNoWinding = FMath::Fmod(Roll, 360.0); FMath::SinCos(&SP, &CP, PitchNoWinding * RADS_DIVIDED_BY_2); FMath::SinCos(&SY, &CY, YawNoWinding * RADS_DIVIDED_BY_2); FMath::SinCos(&SR, &CR, RollNoWinding * RADS_DIVIDED_BY_2); FQuat4d RotationQuat; RotationQuat.X = CR * SP * SY - SR * CP * CY; RotationQuat.Y = -CR * SP * CY - SR * CP * SY; RotationQuat.Z = CR * CP * SY - SR * SP * CY; RotationQuat.W = CR * CP * CY + SR * SP * SY; #endif // PLATFORM_ENABLE_VECTORINTRINSICS #if ENABLE_NAN_DIAGNOSTIC || DO_CHECK // Very large inputs can cause NaN's. Want to catch this here if (RotationQuat.ContainsNaN()) { logOrEnsureNanError(TEXT("Invalid input %s to FRotator::Quaternion - generated NaN output: %s"), *ToString(), *RotationQuat.ToString()); RotationQuat = FQuat4d::Identity; FDebug::DumpStackTraceToLog(ELogVerbosity::Warning); } #endif return RotationQuat;