创建游戏对象 巫师 类
@AllArgsConstructor @Setter @Getter @Slf4j public class Wizard { private int health; private int agility; private int wisdom; private int numberOfPlayedSounds; private int numberOfSpawnedParticles; public void playSound() { LOGGER.info("Playing sound"); numberOfPlayedSounds++; } public void spawnParticles() { LOGGER.info("Spawning particles"); numberOfSpawnedParticles++; } }
@AllArgsConstructor @Getter public enum Instruction { LITERAL(1), // e.g. "LITERAL 0", push 0 to stack SET_HEALTH(2), // e.g. "SET_HEALTH", pop health and wizard number, call set health SET_WISDOM(3), // e.g. "SET_WISDOM", pop wisdom and wizard number, call set wisdom SET_AGILITY(4), // e.g. "SET_AGILITY", pop agility and wizard number, call set agility PLAY_SOUND(5), // e.g. "PLAY_SOUND", pop value as wizard number, call play sound SPAWN_PARTICLES(6), // e.g. "SPAWN_PARTICLES", pop value as wizard number, call spawn particles GET_HEALTH(7), // e.g. "GET_HEALTH", pop value as wizard number, push wizard's health GET_AGILITY(8), // e.g. "GET_AGILITY", pop value as wizard number, push wizard's agility GET_WISDOM(9), // e.g. "GET_WISDOM", pop value as wizard number, push wizard's wisdom ADD(10), // e.g. "ADD", pop 2 values, push their sum DIVIDE(11); // e.g. "DIVIDE", pop 2 values, push their division // ... }
创建核心类 虚拟机 类 。 它将指令作为输入并执行它们以提供游戏对象行为。
@Getter @Slf4j public class VirtualMachine { private final Stackstack = new Stack<>(); private final Wizard[] wizards = new Wizard[2]; public VirtualMachine() { wizards[0] = new Wizard(randomInt(3, 32), randomInt(3, 32), randomInt(3, 32), 0, 0); wizards[1] = new Wizard(randomInt(3, 32), randomInt(3, 32), randomInt(3, 32), 0, 0); } public VirtualMachine(Wizard wizard1, Wizard wizard2) { wizards[0] = wizard1; wizards[1] = wizard2; } public void execute(int[] bytecode) { for (var i = 0; i < bytecode.length; i++) { Instruction instruction = Instruction.getInstruction(bytecode[i]); switch (instruction) { case LITERAL: // Read the next byte from the bytecode. int value = bytecode[++i]; // Push the next value to stack stack.push(value); break; case SET_AGILITY: var amount = stack.pop(); var wizard = stack.pop(); setAgility(wizard, amount); break; case SET_WISDOM: amount = stack.pop(); wizard = stack.pop(); setWisdom(wizard, amount); break; case SET_HEALTH: amount = stack.pop(); wizard = stack.pop(); setHealth(wizard, amount); break; case GET_HEALTH: wizard = stack.pop(); stack.push(getHealth(wizard)); break; case GET_AGILITY: wizard = stack.pop(); stack.push(getAgility(wizard)); break; case GET_WISDOM: wizard = stack.pop(); stack.push(getWisdom(wizard)); break; case ADD: var a = stack.pop(); var b = stack.pop(); stack.push(a + b); break; case DIVIDE: a = stack.pop(); b = stack.pop(); stack.push(b / a); break; case PLAY_SOUND: wizard = stack.pop(); getWizards()[wizard].playSound(); break; case SPAWN_PARTICLES: wizard = stack.pop(); getWizards()[wizard].spawnParticles(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid instruction value"); } LOGGER.info("Executed " + instruction.name() + ", Stack contains " + getStack()); } } public void setHealth(int wizard, int amount) { wizards[wizard].setHealth(amount); } // other setters -> // ... }
public static void main(String[] args) { var vm = new VirtualMachine( new Wizard(45, 7, 11, 0, 0), new Wizard(36, 18, 8, 0, 0)); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("LITERAL 0")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("LITERAL 0")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("GET_HEALTH")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("LITERAL 0")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("GET_AGILITY")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("LITERAL 0")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("GET_WISDOM")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("ADD")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("LITERAL 2")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("DIVIDE")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("ADD")); vm.execute(InstructionConverterUtil.convertToByteCode("SET_HEALTH")); }
16:20:10.193 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed LITERAL, Stack contains [0] 16:20:10.196 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed LITERAL, Stack contains [0, 0] 16:20:10.197 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed GET_HEALTH, Stack contains [0, 45] 16:20:10.197 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed LITERAL, Stack contains [0, 45, 0] 16:20:10.197 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed GET_AGILITY, Stack contains [0, 45, 7] 16:20:10.197 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed LITERAL, Stack contains [0, 45, 7, 0] 16:20:10.197 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed GET_WISDOM, Stack contains [0, 45, 7, 11] 16:20:10.197 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed ADD, Stack contains [0, 45, 18] 16:20:10.197 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed LITERAL, Stack contains [0, 45, 18, 2] 16:20:10.198 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed DIVIDE, Stack contains [0, 45, 9] 16:20:10.198 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed ADD, Stack contains [0, 54] 16:20:10.198 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.bytecode.VirtualMachine - Executed SET_HEALTH, Stack contains []
Bytecode class diagram
- 它的等级太低,使得编程变得乏味或容易出错。
- 由于编译时间慢或其他工具问题,迭代它需要很长时间。
- 它有太多的信任。 如果您想确保定义的行为不会破坏游戏,您需要将其与代码库的其余部分进行沙箱化。