4.1 逐行清除
在每次刷新之前清除整个屏幕似乎不太理想,最好在重新绘制每行时清除每行。让我们删除 Clear(ClearType::All),而是在我们绘制的每行的末尾使用Clear(ClearType::UntilNewLine)。
impl Output { fn new() -> Self { let win_size = terminal::size() .map(|(x, y)| (x as usize, y as usize)) .unwrap(); Self { win_size, editor_contents: EditorContents::new(), } } fn clear_screen() -> crossterm::Result<()> { execute!(stdout(), terminal::Clear(ClearType::All))?; execute!(stdout(), cursor::MoveTo(0, 0)) } fn draw_rows(&mut self) { let screen_rows = self.win_size.1; for i in 0..screen_rows { self.editor_contents.push('~'); //add the following queue!( self.editor_contents, terminal::Clear(ClearType::UntilNewLine) ) .unwrap(); //end if i < screen_rows - 1 { self.editor_contents.push_str("\r\n"); } } } fn refresh_screen(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result<()> { //modify queue!(self.editor_contents, cursor::Hide, cursor::MoveTo(0, 0))?; self.draw_rows(); queue!(self.editor_contents, cursor::MoveTo(0, 0), cursor::Show)?; self.editor_contents.flush() } }
4.2 添加版本信息
const VERSION: &str = "0.0.1"; impl Output{ ... fn draw_rows(&mut self) { let screen_rows = self.win_size.1; let screen_columns = self.win_size.0; // add this line for i in 0..screen_rows { // add the following if i == screen_rows / 3 { let mut welcome = format!("X Editor --- Version {}", VERSION); if welcome.len() > screen_columns { welcome.truncate(screen_columns) } self.editor_contents.push_str(&welcome); } else { self.editor_contents.push('~'); } /* end */ queue!( self.editor_contents, terminal::Clear(ClearType::UntilNewLine) ) .unwrap(); if i < screen_rows - 1 { self.editor_contents.push_str("\r\n"); } } } }
我们使用 format!() 宏来加入 VERSION 消息。然后检查长度是否大于屏幕一次可以显示的长度。如果大于,则将其截断。
- 现在处理下居中
impl Output { ... fn draw_rows(&mut self) { let screen_rows = self.win_size.1; let screen_columns = self.win_size.0; for i in 0..screen_rows { if i == screen_rows / 3 { let mut welcome = format!("Pound Editor --- Version {}", VERSION); if welcome.len() > screen_columns { welcome.truncate(screen_columns) } /* add the following*/ let mut padding = (screen_columns - welcome.len()) / 2; if padding != 0 { self.editor_contents.push('~'); padding -= 1 } (0..padding).for_each(|_| self.editor_contents.push(' ')); self.editor_contents.push_str(&welcome); /* end */ } else { self.editor_contents.push('~'); } queue!( self.editor_contents, terminal::Clear(ClearType::UntilNewLine) ) .unwrap(); if i < screen_rows - 1 { self.editor_contents.push_str("\r\n"); } } } }
使字符串居中,可以将屏幕宽度除以 2,然后从中减去字符串长度的一半。换言之: screen_columns/2 - welcome.len()/2 ,简化为 (screen_columns - welcome.len()) / 2 。这告诉你应该从屏幕左边缘开始打印字符串的距离。因此,我们用空格字符填充该空间,除了第一个字符,它应该是波浪号
4.3 移动光标
现在让我们转到光标的控制上。目前,箭头键和其他任何键都不能移动游标。让我们从使用 wasd 键移动游标开始。
- 新建一个CursorController结构体来存储光标信息
struct CursorController { cursor_x: usize, cursor_y: usize, } impl CursorController { fn new() -> CursorController { Self { cursor_x: 0, cursor_y: 0, } } }
cursor_x 是光标的水平坐标(列), cursor_y 是垂直坐标(行)。我们将它们初始化为 0 ,因为我们希望光标从屏幕的左上角开始。
- 现在让我们向 Output struct and update refresh_screen() 添加一个 cursor_controller 字段以使用 cursor_x 和 cursor_y :
struct Output { win_size: (usize, usize), editor_contents: EditorContents, cursor_controller: CursorController, // add this field } impl Output { fn new() -> Self { let win_size = terminal::size() .map(|(x, y)| (x as usize, y as usize)) .unwrap(); Self { win_size, editor_contents: EditorContents::new(), cursor_controller: CursorController::new(), /* add initializer*/ } } fn clear_screen() -> crossterm::Result<()> { execute!(stdout(), terminal::Clear(ClearType::All))?; execute!(stdout(), cursor::MoveTo(0, 0)) } fn draw_rows(&mut self) { let screen_rows = self.win_size.1; let screen_columns = self.win_size.0; for i in 0..screen_rows { if i == screen_rows / 3 { let mut welcome = format!("Xed Editor --- Version {}", VERSION); if welcome.len() > screen_columns { welcome.truncate(screen_columns) } let mut padding = (screen_columns - welcome.len()) / 2; if padding != 0 { self.editor_contents.push('~'); padding -= 1 } (0..padding).for_each(|_| self.editor_contents.push(' ')); self.editor_contents.push_str(&welcome); } else { self.editor_contents.push('~'); } queue!( self.editor_contents, terminal::Clear(ClearType::UntilNewLine) ) .unwrap(); if i < screen_rows - 1 { self.editor_contents.push_str("\r\n"); } } } fn refresh_screen(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result<()> { queue!(self.editor_contents, cursor::Hide, cursor::MoveTo(0, 0))?; self.draw_rows(); /* modify */ let cursor_x = self.cursor_controller.cursor_x; let cursor_y = self.cursor_controller.cursor_y; queue!( self.editor_contents, cursor::MoveTo(cursor_x as u16, cursor_y as u16), cursor::Show )?; /* end */ self.editor_contents.flush() } }
- 现在我们添加一个 CursorController 方法来控制各种按键的移动逻辑:
impl CursorController { fn new() -> CursorController { Self { cursor_x: 0, cursor_y: 0, } } /* add this function */ fn move_cursor(&mut self, direction: char) { match direction { 'w' => { self.cursor_y -= 1; } 'a' => { self.cursor_x -= 1; } 's' => { self.cursor_y += 1; } 'd' => { self.cursor_x += 1; } _ => unimplemented!(), } } }
impl Output { ... fn move_cursor(&mut self,direction:char) { self.cursor_controller.move_cursor(direction); } }
- 修改process_keyprocess(),将按下的按键信息传递给move_cursor();
impl Editor { fn new() -> Self { Self { reader: Reader, output: Output::new(), } } fn process_keypress(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result
{ /* modify*/ match self.reader.read_key()? { KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('q'), modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL, } => return Ok(false), /* add the following*/ KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char(val @ ('w' | 'a' | 's' | 'd')), modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE, } => self.output.move_cursor(val), // end _ => {} } Ok(true) } fn run(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result { self.output.refresh_screen()?; self.process_keypress() } } -
fn process_keypress(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result
{ match self.reader.read_key()? { KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('q'), modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL, } => return Ok(false), /* note the following*/ KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char(val), modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE, } => { match val { 'w'| 'a'|'s'|'d' => self.output.move_cursor(val), _=> {/*do nothing*/} } }, // end _ => {} } Ok(true) }
4.4 使用箭头移动光标
fn process_keypress(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result
{ /* modify*/ match self.reader.read_key()? { KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('q'), modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL, } => return Ok(false), /* modify the following*/ KeyEvent { code: direction @ (KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Left | KeyCode::Right), modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE, } => self.output.move_cursor(direction), // end _ => {} } Ok(true) } impl CursorController { fn new() -> CursorController { Self { cursor_x: 0, cursor_y: 0, } } /* modify the function*/ fn move_cursor(&mut self, direction: KeyCode) { match direction { KeyCode::Up => { self.cursor_y -= 1; } KeyCode::Left => { self.cursor_x -= 1; } KeyCode::Down => { self.cursor_y += 1; } KeyCode::Right => { self.cursor_x += 1; } _ => unimplemented!(), } } }
impl Output { ... fn move_cursor(&mut self, direction: KeyCode) { //modify self.cursor_controller.move_cursor(direction); } ... }
4.5 修复光标移动时的越界问题
struct CurSorController { cursor_x: usize, cursor_y: usize, screen_columns:usize, screen_rows:usize, }
impl CursorController { /* modify */ fn new(win_size: (usize, usize)) -> CursorController { Self { cursor_x: 0, cursor_y: 0, screen_columns: win_size.0, screen_rows: win_size.1, } } /* modify the function*/ fn move_cursor(&mut self, direction: KeyCode) { match direction { KeyCode::Up => { self.cursor_y = self.cursor_y.saturating_sub(1); } KeyCode::Left => { if self.cursor_x != 0 { self.cursor_x -= 1; } } KeyCode::Down => { if self.cursor_y != self.screen_rows - 1 { self.cursor_y += 1; } } KeyCode::Right => { if self.cursor_x != self.screen_columns - 1 { self.cursor_x += 1; } } _ => unimplemented!(), } } }
- 向上移动(Up):
- 使用 saturating_sub 方法来确保不会出现溢出,即当 self.cursor_y 为 0 时,减去 1 后不会变为负数,而是保持为 0。
- 向左移动(Left):
- 如果 self.cursor_x 不等于 0,则将 self.cursor_x 减去 1。
- 向下移动(Down):
- 如果 self.cursor_y 不等于 self.screen_rows - 1,则将 self.cursor_y 加上 1,确保不会超出屏幕的底部。
- 向右移动(Right):
- 如果 self.cursor_x 不等于 self.screen_columns - 1,则将 self.cursor_x 加上 1,确保不会超出屏幕的右侧。
- 修改 Output struct :
impl Output { fn new() -> Self { let win_size = terminal::size() .map(|(x, y)| (x as usize, y as usize)) .unwrap(); Self { win_size, editor_contents: EditorContents::new(), cursor_controller: CursorController::new(win_size), /* modify initializer*/ } } ... }
4.6 翻页和结束
impl Editor { fn new() -> Self { Self { reader: Reader, output: Output::new(), } } fn process_keypress(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result
{ match self.reader.read_key()? { KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('q'), modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL, } => return Ok(false), KeyEvent { code: direction @ (KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Left | KeyCode::Right | KeyCode::Home | KeyCode::End), modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE, } => self.output.move_cursor(direction), KeyEvent { code: val @ (KeyCode::PageUp | KeyCode::PageDown), modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE, } =>/*add this */ (0..self.output.win_size.1).for_each(|_| { self.output.move_cursor(if matches!(val, KeyCode::PageUp) { KeyCode::Up } else { KeyCode::Down }); }), _ => {} } Ok(true) } fn run(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result { self.output.refresh_screen()?; self.process_keypress() } } 如果您使用的是带有 Fn 按键的笔记本电脑,则可以按 Fn+↑ 下并 Fn+↓ 模拟按下 Page Up 和 Page Down 键。
fn move_cursor(&mut self, direction: KeyCode) { match direction { KeyCode::Up => { self.cursor_y = self.cursor_y.saturating_sub(1); } KeyCode::Left => { if self.cursor_x != 0 { self.cursor_x -= 1; } } KeyCode::Down => { if self.cursor_y != self.screen_rows - 1 { self.cursor_y += 1; } } KeyCode::Right => { if self.cursor_x != self.screen_columns - 1 { self.cursor_x += 1; } } /* add the following*/ KeyCode::End => self.cursor_x = self.screen_columns - 1, KeyCode::Home => self.cursor_x = 0, _ => unimplemented!(), } }
如果您使用的是带有 Fn 键的笔记本电脑,则可以按 Fn + ← 下 Home 并 Fn + → 模拟按下 和 End 键。
- 修改process_keyprocess(),将按下的按键信息传递给move_cursor();
- 现在我们添加一个 CursorController 方法来控制各种按键的移动逻辑:
- 现在让我们向 Output struct and update refresh_screen() 添加一个 cursor_controller 字段以使用 cursor_x 和 cursor_y :
- 新建一个CursorController结构体来存储光标信息