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.fontColor('#FFFFFF,90%') .onClick(() => { this.greenButtonState.width = (this.greenButtonState.width < 700) ? this.greenButtonState.width + 100 : 100; }) // class类型初始化@Link GreenButton({ greenButtonState: $greenButtonState }).margin(12) // 简单类型初始化@Link YellowButton({ yellowButtonState: $yellowButtonProp }).margin(12) } }
![](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/c91a8765747b7fc8cae034495f616209.gif) #### 数组类型的@Link
struct Child {
@Link items: number[];
build() {
Column() {
Button(Button1: push)
.onClick(() => {
this.items.push(this.items.length + 1);
Button(Button2: replace whole item)
.onClick(() => {
this.items = [100, 200, 300];
struct Parent {
@State arr: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
build() {
Column() {
Child({ items: KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 5: arr }̲) .marg…{item}`)
(item: ForEachInterface) => item.toString()
![](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/15669d373276d14a84cbb02b24e2f64d.gif) 上文所述,ArkUI框架可以观察到数组元素的添加,删除和替换。在该示例中@State和@Link的类型是相同的number[],不允许将@Link定义成number类型(@Link item : number),并在父组件中用@State数组中每个数据项创建子组件。如果要使用这个场景,可以参考 @Prop 和@Observed。 #### 装饰Map类型变量 > > **说明:** > 从API version 11开始,@Link支持Map类型。 > > > 在下面的示例中,value类型为Map,点击Button改变message的值,视图会随之刷新。
struct Child {
@Link value: Map
build() {
Column() {
ForEach(Array.from(this.value.entries()), (item: [number, string]) => {
Button(‘child init map’).onClick(() => {
this.value = new Map([[0, “a”], [1, “b”], [3, “c”]])
Button(‘child set new one’).onClick(() => {
this.value.set(4, “d”)
Button(‘child clear’).onClick(() => {
Button(‘child replace the first one’).onClick(() => {
this.value.set(0, “aa”)
Button(‘child delete the first one’).onClick(() => {
struct MapSample2 {
@State message: Map
build() {
Row() {
Column() {
Child({ value: this.message })
#### 装饰Set类型变量 > > **说明:** > > > 从API version 11开始,@Link支持Set类型。 > > > 在下面的示例中,message类型为Set,点击Button改变message的值,视图会随之刷新。
struct Child {
@Link message: Set
build() {
Column() {
ForEach(Array.from(this.message.entries()), (item: [number, string]) => {
Button(‘init set’).onClick(() => {
this.message = new Set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
Button(‘set new one’).onClick(() => {
Button(‘clear’).onClick(() => {
Button(‘delete the first one’).onClick(() => {
struct SetSample1 {
@State message: Set = new Set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
build() {
Row() {
Column() {
Child({ message: this.message })
### Link支持联合类型实例 @Link支持联合类型和undefined和null,在下面的示例中,name类型为string | undefined,点击父组件Index中的Button改变name的属性或者类型,Child中也会对应刷新。
struct Child {
@Link name: string | undefined
build() {
Column() {
Button('Child change name to Bob') .onClick(() => { this.name = "Bob" }) Button('Child change animal to undefined') .onClick(() => { this.name = undefined }) }.width('100%')
struct Index {
@State name: string | undefined = “mary”
build() {
Column() {
Text(The name is ${this.name}).fontSize(30)
Child({ name: this.name }) Button('Parents change name to Peter') .onClick(() => { this.name = "Peter" }) Button('Parents change name to undefined') .onClick(() => { this.name = undefined }) }
### 常见问题 #### @Link装饰状态变量类型错误 在子组件中使用@Link装饰状态变量需要保证该变量与数据源类型完全相同,且该数据源需为被诸如@State等装饰器装饰的状态变量。 【反例】
class ClassA {
public c: number = 0;
constructor(c: number) {
this.c = c;
struct LinkChild {
@Link testNum: number;
build() {
Text(LinkChild testNum ${this.testNum})
struct Parent {
@State testNum: ClassA[] = [new ClassA(1)];
build() {
Column() {
Text(Parent testNum ${this.testNum[0].c})
.onClick(() => {
this.testNum[0].c += 1;
// @Link装饰的变量需要和数据源@State类型一致
LinkChild({ testNum: this.testNum[0].c })
@Link testNum: number从父组件的LinkChild({testNum:this.testNum.c})初始化。@Link的数据源必须是装饰器装饰的状态变量,简而言之,@Link装饰的数据必须和数据源类型相同,比如@Link: T和@State : T。所以,这里应该改为@Link testNum: ClassA,从父组件初始化的方式为LinkChild({testNum: $testNum}) 【正例】
class ClassA {
public c: number = 0;
constructor(c: number) {
this.c = c;
struct LinkChild {
@Link testNum: ClassA[];
build() {
Text(LinkChild testNum ${this.testNum[0]?.c})
struct Parent {
@State testNum: ClassA[] = [new ClassA(1)];
build() {
Column() {
Text(Parent testNum ${this.testNum[0].c})
.onClick(() => {
this.testNum[0].c += 1;
// @Link装饰的变量需要和数据源@State类型一致
LinkChild({ testNum: $testNum })
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