代码如下:MetaGPT 0.8版本
MetaGPT执行方法:WeiboSubscriptionAgent.py 执行方法
""" Filename: MetaGPT/examples/oss/WeiboSubscriptionAgent.py to run OssWatcherWeibo Created Date: Author: """ import asyncio # from QQMailSender import QQMailSender from WeiboOssWatcher import WeiboOssWatcher from typing import Optional from aiocron import crontab from pydantic import BaseModel from pytz import BaseTzInfo from metagpt.logs import logger from metagpt.environment import Environment from metagpt.schema import Message from metagpt.subscription import SubscriptionRunner # Trigger class OssInfo(BaseModel): url: str timestamp: float class WeiboHotCronTrigger: def __init__(self, spec: str, tz: Optional[BaseTzInfo] = None, topic: str = "社会") -> None: self.crontab = crontab(spec, tz=tz) self.topic = topic def __aiter__(self): return self async def __anext__(self): await self.crontab.next() # logger.info(self.url) logger.info(self.topic) # logger.info(OssInfo(url=self.url)) # logger.info(Message(self.url)) logger.info(Message(self.topic)) return Message(self.topic) async def qqmail_callback(msg: Message): # sender = QQMailSender() # 使用默认的邮箱和授权码 # sender.send_mail('jiahello@qq.com', 'MetaGPT-微博热搜', msg.content) print('发送完成:{}', msg.content) # 运行入口, async def main(spec: str = "*/2 * * * *"): callbacks = [qqmail_callback] if not callbacks: async def _print(msg: Message): print(msg.content) callbacks.append(_print) async def callback(msg): await asyncio.gather(*(call(msg) for call in callbacks)) runner = SubscriptionRunner() await runner.subscribe(WeiboOssWatcher(), WeiboHotCronTrigger(spec), callback) await runner.run() if __name__ == "__main__": import fire fire.Fire(main)
WeiboOssWatcher 观察爬虫爬下来的信息
""" Filename: MetaGPT/examples/oss/WeiboOssWatcher.py to create a role and run multi actions:CrawlingWeiboTrendingTopic,SummarizeTrendingTopic Created Date: Author: """ from metagpt.llm import LLM from metagpt.actions import Action from metagpt.roles import Role from metagpt.schema import Message from metagpt.logs import logger from CrawlingWeiboTrendingTopic import CrawlingWeiboTrendingTopic from SummarizeTrendingTopic import SummarizeTrendingTopic class WeiboOssWatcher(Role): topic: str = '' def __init__( self, name="Gab Jia", profile="OssWatcherWeibo", goal="Generate an insightful Weibo Trending Topic analysis report.", constraints="Only analyze based on the provided data of Weibo Trending Topic.", ): super().__init__(name=name, profile=profile, goal=goal, constraints=constraints) # self._init_actions([CrawlingWeiboTrendingTopic, SummarizeTrendingTopic]) self.set_actions([CrawlingWeiboTrendingTopic, SummarizeTrendingTopic]) self._set_react_mode(react_mode="by_order") async def _act(self) -> Message: logger.info(f"{self._setting}: ready to {self.rc.todo}") # By choosing the Action by order under the hood todo = self.rc.todo msg = self.get_memories(k=1)[0] # find the most k recent messages print('input:', msg.content) if type(todo) == SummarizeTrendingTopic: topic = self.get_memories(k=2)[0].content print('topic:', topic) result = await todo.run(msg.content, topic) else: result = await todo.run() msg = Message(content=str(result), role=self.profile, cause_by=type(todo)) self.rc.memory.add(msg) return msg
SummarizeTrendingTopic 热点分析
""" Filename: MetaGPT/examples/oss/SummarizeTrendingTopic.py to Summarize the Trending Topic of Weibo Created Date: Author: """ from typing import Any from metagpt.actions.action import Action ANALYSIS_PROMPT = """ 你是热点分析师,根据热点信息和我关注的主题进行个性化的推荐和分析。 我关注的热点主题是{topic} # For Example # 热点总结 今天和{topic}相关的热点共有X条,具体内容如下 ## 热点标题 ## 热点内容 # 以下是给你用于分析的全部热点内容 {content} """ class SummarizeTrendingTopic(Action): """ 根据微博热点信息和我关注的主题进行个性化的推荐和分析 """ name: str = "SummarizeTrendingTopic" async def run(self, content: Any, topic: Any = '社会'): return await self._aask(ANALYSIS_PROMPT.format(topic=topic, content=content))
""" Filename: MetaGPT/examples/oss/CrawlingWeiboTrendingTopic.py to create a role and run multi actions 爬虫代码参考:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/651090185 Created Date: Author: """ import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from urllib.parse import urlencode import pandas as pd import time from metagpt.actions import Action class CrawlingWeiboTrendingTopic(Action): name: str = "CrawlingWeiboTrendingTopic" async def run(self, url: str = "https://s.weibo.com/top/summary/") -> dict: cookie = '' # Cookie使用自己的新浪网页Cookie,用于通过新浪通行证 headers = {'Cookie': cookie} # 获取网页响应,对网页响应进行编码 response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding html = response.text # 将网页文本使用Beautifulsoup解析 soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') # allnews存放热搜前50的新闻和热度,形式为{'新闻':'热度'}字典 all_news = {} # 定位网页元素,观察到热搜新闻位于'td'元素下,class为'td-02' for news in soup.find_all('td', class_='td-02')[1:]: text = news.text.split('\n')[1].strip() if news.text.split('\n')[2].strip() == '': continue elif news.text.split('\n')[2].strip()[0].isdigit(): hot = news.text.split('\n')[2].strip() else: hot = news.text.split('\n')[2].strip()[2:] all_news[text] = hot return all_news