class sa: # 加载情感词典、程度副词典、否定词典、停用词典 def __init__(self, senti_dict_path, degree_dict_path, not_dict_path, stopword_path): self.senti_dict = self.load_dict(senti_dict_path) self.degree_dict = self.load_degree_dict(degree_dict_path) self.not_dict = self.load_not_dict(not_dict_path) self.stopwords = self.load_stopwords(stopword_path) # 加载情感词典 def load_dict(self, path): with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() word_dict = {} for line in lines: items = line.strip().split('\t') if len(items) >= 7: word = items[0] #情词 emotion = items[4] #情词类别 strength = int(items[5]) #情词强度 polarity = int(items[6]) #情词极性 word_dict[word] = {'emotion': emotion, 'strength': strength, 'polarity': polarity} return word_dict # 加载程度副词词典 def load_degree_dict(self, path): with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() degree_dict = {} for line in lines: items = line.strip().split('\t') if len(items) >= 2: degree_word = items[0] #副词 degree_value = float(items[1]) #副词权值 degree_dict[degree_word] = degree_value return degree_dict # 加载否定词词典 def load_not_dict(self, path): with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() not_dict = {} for line in lines: items = line.strip().split('\t') if len(items) >= 1: not_word = items[0] #否定词 not_dict[not_word] = True return not_dict # 加载停用词表 def load_stopwords(self, path): with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: stopwords = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] return stopwords # 分词 def cut_words(self, text): words = jieba.cut(text) return [word for word in words] # 去除停用词 def remove_stopword(self, words): return [word for word in words if word not in self.stopwords]
# 断章 将一个txt文件的内容,按照第几章进行分割 section def SplitFile(filename): f=open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf-8") # 获取文件每一行 lines = f.readlines() zhang = "" zhangji = [] i = 0 for line in lines: strh = line[0:6] # 取一行前5个字 if ("第" in strh and "章" in strh): #print (strh) if (i>0): zhangji.append([zhang]) zhang = "" zhang += line i += 1 zhangji.append([zhang]) #最后一章 #print (章集) print (filename,"章节数 = ",len(zhangji)) return zhangji #切句 将文本切句,换回句列表 def normal_cut_sentence(text): text = re.sub('([。!?\?])([^’”")])',r'\1\n\2',text)#普通断句符号且后面没有引号 #text = re.sub('(\.{6})([^’”])',r'\1\n\2',text)#英文省略号且后面没有引号 text = re.sub('(\…{2})([^’”])',r'\1\n\2',text)#中文省略号且后面没有引号 text = re.sub('([.。!?\?\.{6}\…{2}][’”"])([^’”"])',r'\1\n\2',text)#断句号+引号且后面没有引号 text = re.sub(r"\n\n",r'\n',text) #删除多余空行 text = re.sub(r"\n\n",r'\n',text) #删除多余空行 text = re.sub(r"\n\n",r'\n',text) #删除多余空行 text = re.sub(r"\n\n",r'\n',text) #删除多余空行 text = text.rstrip("\r\n") # 去掉段尾的\n,然后 return text.split("\n")
#提取情感词和计算情感值 class ScoreAnalysis: # 初始化 def __init__(self, senti_dict_path, degree_dict_path, not_dict_path, stopword_path): self.sa = sa(senti_dict_path, degree_dict_path, not_dict_path, stopword_path) self.score_class = {'好': 0, '乐': 1, '怒': 2, '哀': 3, '惧': 4, '恶': 5, '惊': 6, '思': 7} #将情感分为8大类 # 查找情感词 def findword(self, text): Eword_list = [] word_loc = [] for i in range(0, len(text)): if text[i] in self.sa.senti_dict.keys(): word = Word(text[i], self.sa.senti_dict[text[i]]) Eword_list.append(word) word_loc.append(i) return Eword_list, word_loc #计算情感得分 def get8score(self, text): Eword_list, word_loc = self.findword(text) ##查找文本中包含哪些情感词 # 8大类找对应感情大类的词语,分别统计分数= 词极性*词权重 result = [] for key in self.score_class.keys(): #区分8大类 not_word = [] degree_word = [] score = 0 intensity = 1 score_words = [] degree_word_pos = -1 not_word_pos = -1 for j in range(0,len(Eword_list)): #遍历text每个词 word = Eword_list[j] word_score = 0 if (key == word.class_value): #判断情感词属于哪个大类 score_words.append(word.word) #扫描情感词前面4个词内的程度副词和否定词 not_v = 1 degree = 1 not_word = [] degree_word = [] degree_word_pos = -1 not_word_pos = -1 star = word_loc[j]-4 if star < 0: star = 0 for i in range(star, word_loc[j]-1): if text[i] in self.sa.degree_dict.keys(): #扫描程度副词 degree_word.append(text[i]) degree *= self.sa.degree_dict[text[i]] degree_word_pos = i for i in range(star, word_loc[j]-1): if text[i] in self.sa.not_dict.keys(): #扫描否定词 not_word.append(text[i]) not_v *= -1 not_word_pos = i if not_word_pos > -1 and degree_word_pos > -1: if not_word_pos < degree_word_pos: #否定词在前: "不太高兴" degree *= 0.5 else: #否定词在后 "太不高兴" degree *= 2 word_score = word.value['polarity'] * not_v * degree word_score = float(word_score) #print(word_score) if word_score > score and word_score > 0: score = word_score if word_score < score and word_score < 0: score = word_score # 限定取值范围 if score > 9 : score = 9 if score < -9 : score = -9 result.append([key, score, score_words, not_word, degree_word]) return result #对22小类合并为8大类 class Word: # 初始化 def __init__(self, word, value): self.word = word self.value = value self.class_value = self.get_class_value() # 获取情感词的大类 def get_class_value(self): emotion = self.value['emotion'] if emotion in ['PD', 'PH', 'PG', 'PB', 'PK']: return '好' elif emotion in ['PA', 'PE']: return '乐' elif emotion == 'NA': return '怒' elif emotion in ['NB', 'NJ', 'NH','PF']: return '哀' elif emotion in ['NI', 'NC', 'NG']: return '惧' elif emotion in ['NE', 'ND', 'NN', 'NK', 'NL']: return '恶' elif emotion == 'PC': return '惊' elif emotion == 'NF': return '思' else: return 'none'
def 添加词频(word, freq_list): """ 参数: word -- 待添加的词汇 freq_list -- 词频列表 返回值: 无 """ word_str = ','.join(map(str.strip, word)).strip('[]\'\"') # 将词汇转换为字符串并去除引号和方括号 # 将逗号分隔的字符串转换为词汇列表 word_list = word_str.split(',') for w in word_list: added = False for i in range(len(freq_list)): if freq_list[i][0] == w: freq_list[i][1] += 1 added = True break if not added: freq_list.append([w, 1])
#导入相关包 import re import os import time import pandas as pd import jieba #传入词典 senti_dict_path = 'D:/emotion_project/origin/tici/大连理工情感词汇.txt' degree_dict_path = 'D:/emotion_project/origin/tici/副词赋值.txt' not_dict_path = 'D:/emotion_project/origin/tici/否定词.txt' stopword_path = 'D:/emotion_project/origin/tici/cn_stopwords.txt' #加载词典实例化对象sa类 sa_obj = sa(senti_dict_path, degree_dict_path, not_dict_path, stopword_path) #计算情值实例化对象ScoreAnalysis类 sa = ScoreAnalysis(senti_dict_path, degree_dict_path, not_dict_path, stopword_path) #************************************************************************** #分析deepl机器翻译译本每句8种情感值,生成情感表格、词频表格 machine_trans = [ "deepl"] f_deepl = "new_deepl_translated.txt" #文本路径 files = [f_deepl] 情类 = ['好','乐','怒','哀','惧','恶','惊','思'] 表头 = ["原句","正面","负面","好","好词","乐","乐词","怒","怒词","哀","哀词","惧","惧词","恶","恶词","惊", "惊词","思","思词"] 情感乐 = [[0]*5]*64 篇号 = 0 章号 = 0 行号 = 0 #************************************************************************** 开始时间 = time.time() for 篇 in files[0:]:#不含后边界 共5篇 #情感值统计表结果路径 writer = pd.ExcelWriter("D:/emotion_project/" + machine_trans[篇号]+'.xlsx') #词频统计表结果路径 词频表格 = pd.ExcelWriter("D:/emotion_project/" + machine_trans[篇号]+'词频表.xlsx') 正面词频 = [] 负面词频 = [] 八情词频 = [[] for i in range(8)] 章号 = 0 章集 = SplitFile(篇) #调用-断章-方法 for 章 in 章集[0:]: #共64章 章情词频 = [] 章情词集 = "" 句集 = normal_cut_sentence( 章[0] ) # 调用-分句-方法 章分析 = [] for 句 in 句集: words = sa_obj.cut_words(句) # 分词 words_ = sa_obj.remove_stopword(words) #去除停用词 八情 = sa.get8score(words_) #提取情感词和计算情感值 #数据处理 正面 = 0 负面 = 0 for 情 in 八情: if 情[1] > 0 : 正面 += 情[1] else: 负面 += 情[1] #添加表格行数据 行 = [] 行.append(句) 行.append(正面) 行.append(负面) for 情 in 八情: 行.append(情[1]) #情感值 行.append(情[2]) #情感词 print(行) 章分析.append(行) #*******************************词频统计************************************* for 情 in 八情[0:2]: #0,1 添加词频( 情[2], 正面词频 ) for 情 in 八情[6:8]: #6,7 添加词频( 情[2], 正面词频 ) for 情 in 八情[2:6]: #2,3,4,5 添加词频( 情[2], 负面词频 ) i = 0 for 情 in 八情: if len(情[2]) > 0: 添加词频(情[2], 章情词频 ) 添加词频(情[2], 八情词频[i] ) i +=1 #print(章情词频) 第几章 = '第'+str(章号+1) +'章' df = pd.DataFrame(章情词频, columns = ['章情词','频'] ) df.sort_values(by="频",ascending = False, inplace = True) #按词频降序排列 df.to_excel( 词频表格, 第几章 ,index=False ) #************************************************************************** df = pd.DataFrame(章分析, columns = 表头 ) df.to_excel( writer, 第几章 ,index=False ) 章号 += 1 df = pd.DataFrame(正面词频, columns = ['正面词','频'] ) df.sort_values(by="频",ascending = False, inplace = True) #按词频降序排列 df.to_excel( 词频表格, '正面词频' ,index=False ) df = pd.DataFrame(负面词频, columns = ['负面词','频'] ) df.sort_values(by="频",ascending = False, inplace = True) #按词频降序排列 df.to_excel( 词频表格, '负面词频' ,index=False ) for i in range(8): df = pd.DataFrame(八情词频[i], columns = [情类[i]+'词','频'] ) df.sort_values(by="频",ascending = False, inplace = True) #按词频降序排列 df.to_excel( 词频表格, 情类[i]+'词频' ,index=False ) 词频表格.save() writer.save() 篇号 += 1 结束时间 = time.time() print("耗时",结束时间-开始时间,"秒")