import glob import os import time import pyautogui import pyautogui as p from PIL import ImageGrab from pynput.keyboard import Controller # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- directory = './' directory1 = './output' for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.docx')): os.remove(f) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory1, '*.png')): os.remove(f) def find_and_click(image_path, confidence): image_location = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(image_path, grayscale=True, confidence=confidence) if image_location: time.sleep(0.5) position = else: print(f"{image_path} 未找到指定的图片") time.sleep(1) # 初始化键盘控制器i keyboard = Controller() find_and_click("./images/01hf.jpg", 0.8) time.sleep(1) find_and_click("./images/02my.jpg", 0.8) time.sleep(1) find_and_click("./images/03bg.jpg", 0.8) time.sleep(1) find_and_click("./images/04cty.jpg", 0.8) time.sleep(1) find_and_click("./images/05zsxx.jpg", 0.8) time.sleep(3) find_and_click("./images/06sj.jpg", 0.8) time.sleep(2) find_and_click("./images/07ss.jpg", 0.8) time.sleep(2) keyboard = Controller()'p') # 按键按下s time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.release(key='p') # 按键松开s time.sleep(1) find_and_click("./images/08sj.jpg", 0.8) time.sleep(1) p.doubleClick(1169, 145, 0.5) time.sleep(5) # 定义截图区域的左上角和右下角坐标 # 这里的坐标应根据你的需求进行调整 left, top, right, bottom = 992, 217, 1899, 391 # 使用ImageGrab.grab()方法进行截图 # 参数为截图区域的左上角和右下角坐标 screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(left, top, right, bottom)) # 保存截图图片'./output/0test.png') time.sleep(0.5) find_and_click("./images/14ht.jpg", 0.8) time.sleep(3)
import glob import os import shutil from docx import Document # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # 删除目录下所有的*.docx文件 directory = './' for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.docx')): os.remove(f) # 将源文件拷贝到目标目录 source_file = 'D:\\周报整理\\2024年周报\\2024年4月运维服务报告v06.docx' target_directory = './' shutil.copy(source_file, target_directory) # 获取目录下所有文件 folder_path = r'./' file_list = os.listdir(folder_path) # 遍历文件列表,修改xxx.docx改名为test.docx for file_name in file_list: # 检查文件是否以 .xls 结尾 if file_name.endswith('.docx'): # 构造新文件名 new_file_name = os.path.join(folder_path, 'test.docx') # 重命名文件 os.rename(os.path.join(folder_path, file_name), new_file_name) def get_image_info(doc): for rel in doc.part.rels.values(): if rel.reltype == '': print('Image ID:', rel.rId, 'Filename:', rel.target_part.filename) def replace_image_by_id(doc, rId, new_image_path): for rel in doc.part.rels.values(): if rel.reltype == '' and rel.rId == rId: target_part = rel.target_part with open(new_image_path, 'rb') as f: target_part._blob = document = Document('test.docx') # 获取图片信息 get_image_info(document) # 替换图片 replace_image_by_id(document, 'rId11', './output/0test.png') # 保存文档'output_test.docx')